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If you have arrived on this site, it is that :

  • either I gave you the address, one way or another
  • or you've done a search to find a photographer (non-professional ?)
  • or you stumbled on it, which seems less likely

In any case, I thank you already for the effort you are making to read these lines.

I encourage you to read everything, finally it's quick, and it will answer I think a lot of your questions.

But who am I ?

As you may already know, I am only a humble non-Professional photographer. What does it mean ? It means that I do not live at all in this activity, in the "real life" I have another job, I am an engineer ...

But I have also been passionate about photography for over 30 years. Self-taught, I learned what I know (stay modest) by reading trade magazines and practicing as much as possible. The arrival of the digital has been a great way to progress for me, because it is very convenient to be able to see immediately the effects of this or that setting ...

At the hardware level, I invested in 2005 in my first digital SLR, a Nikon D70. In 2008, I passed to the Nikon D200. And in June 2011, I changed to the D300s. So I remain faithful to Nikon ... All this combined with the SB800 flash ...

So yes I'm looking for photo models, but why ?

Why photograph mostly women, rather than landscapes or still lifes, or just men or children? Well, because I am naturally more inspired by women than by anything else. I'm not saying that I would not one day take pictures of a man (or at least a couple to begin with), one day...

Last little clarification, I would not pretend to "make you a book, promising you a wonderful future in the world of fashion". No, I just propose that we try you and me to do pretty pictures together, within the limits of our respective abilities ...

My goal in all this? Progress in the photo, feed and make live my website (it's a hobby like any other, after all), possibly participate in competitions in french specialized magazines such as "Chasseur d'images" or "Réponses photo". And why not, later, an exhibition at a hairdresser's or a restaurant, but stay modest …  smile

How's it going ?

When ? The shootings take place mainly in the evening on weekdays, I enjoy my weekends for family, friends, DIY, gardening, ...

Where ? I did a lot at home, but for various reasons that I would be happy to explain you in person, I prefer now as far as possible to do at model home, or in an other place. Outside, it is difficult to find natural light at the times previously announced, except during summer or during my vacation when I try to find models on site, as has been the case a few times.

I prefer to work one-on-one with the model. I accept at least a (girl) friend who accompanies, but I prefer to avoid if possible, unless the friend takes part in the photo shoot ?

In any case, I don't do shooting with the presence of the husband or parents, to work more calmly, for me as for the model for that matter.

The session begins with the signing of a contract (click here to see an example) in 2 versions, one for each, stipulating the possible use of photos that will be made later, and for how long. A typical session lasts approximately 3 to 4 hours, with as result more or less 400 pictures.

No remuneration will be requested or given for the session. It's just an exchange of good process: shooting against all photos. I just need a little time between the shooting and when the photos are sorted and developed.

For clothes, accessories or decor, I rely heavily on the model. And I have unfortunately neither makeup artist nor hairdresser at my disposal. So I'm counting on you for that too ...

Finally, one last recommendation for the photo shoot, even if it is not planned to do the nude, is to come to the session with clothes not too tight (or even without underwear), just to avoid marks on the skin that are always unsightly, long to fade, and difficult to erase in post-treatment.

Regarding the models ?

In general, I chose the models. Either by knowledge, or crossed in the street or supermarket, or on the internet. If I propose to a someone, it's that she has something that interests me. It may be her face, her general look or even a part of her body (the curve of her legs, long hair, fine hands, but also let's be honest a nice chest or beautiful bouncy buttocks). Or simply an originality such as a tattoo or a large height. The session will in principle be oriented on this element, if the model agrees of course. Nothing forced, everything happens in a good relaxed atmosphere, we are here to have fun and not to argue...

I'm not against a spontaneous candidature, to see according to the cases...

In any case, if the idea of ​​posing for me interpellate you (that I approached you or that you came from yourself), I would ask you to tell me exactly how you arrived on my site, what is interesting you or worries you in a shooting, and if you can already send me some pictures of you (so that I can "remind" if it's me who approached you, or so that it can give me an idea of ​​your physique in case of spontaneous candidature). Ideally, one or two photos in underwear or swimsuit, so that I can get an idea of ​​your shape... But it is, of course, not an obligation.

Now it's time to go see what I'm doing in my gallery ...

Oh yes, I forgot, if it's me who approached you, you should read the following ...

You may have said "it's not very professional, this little piece of paper" ... Well yes, I confirm, I'm not a Professional ! And the advantage of this small paper compared to a real business card is that it slips everywhere and so I always have one at hand ...

"What is this guy who disappears after 10 seconds ?" ... Well yes, I assume that I do not bother you any longer. If you're not interested, I would have bothered you only 10 seconds. If you are interested, you will contact me again ...

"It's still suspicious this guy who does not accept that I come with my darling" ... Yes, there I fully understand your concern if this is the case. Now, it may not be easy for you to understand but I would not be comfortable with this gentleman by my side. If it does not suit you, no problem, we leave it there ...

Did you feel assaulted? I beg you to excuse me, it was not my intention, maybe I came abruptly behind you, by surprise. In general, I try to be discreet enough not to make you feel uncomfortable (and me too, at the same time) with respect to the people around.

You decided to make a complaint (to your head of school, your manager, or even to the gendarmerie, I'm not kidding it happened!) ? Well, first of all, I do not quite understand why, and secondly, you should also at this time complain about the guy who distributes flyers for such nightclub, or for the person who distributes coupons for such store ...

I know that we can not please everyone, some will like, some will not. Some will find it artistic, others will find it indecent, even squarely "pornographic" (again, I'm not kidding, it happened ... to each his vision of pornography). Some will be interested to pose for me, but the vast majority no. Still, if we only had to do what everyone likes, then we would never do anything.

In short, now it's time to go see what I do in my gallery ...

Oh yes, one more thing, you will find in the following some ideas of themes that I would like to stage soon ...

Not necessarily very original ideas, already seen, for sure, but I would like to try to see the result ...

  • video-projected images (I have already done some sessions but I would like to dig a little more the theme, especially on a colored skin)
  • a milk bath (ideally in a pretty lion's paw bath for example)
  • a mother and her young baby, possibly on the theme of breastfeeding
  • very typical women (asian, indian,...), women with dreadlocks
  • women of a mature age, but who still keep an indefinable charm, a sex appeal
  • contrast duets (white / black, big / small, fine / round, ...)
  • against the light, in front of a large sunny bay window
  • in a dance hall, with big mirrors
  • a gallery of grimaces / facial expressions
  • etc ...

Come on, no more blah-blah, give way to the results: my gallery